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Sixgill Featured in

Build ML Models with a No-Code Platform

We were excited to be featured recently in Intel’s technology trends and news publication. The article, Build ML Models with a No-Code Platform, discusses some of the challenges faced by enterprises when implementing AI. It also describes how we’re helping organizations successfully integrate machine learning and broadly adopt computer vision solutions to save costs, streamline operations and improve decision making. 

Our Chief Product Officer, Elizabeth Spears, sat down with Erica Stevens, to explain how Sixgill Sense is leading the charge when it comes to making no-code custom enterprise platforms a reality.

Highlighted in the article is one thing we hear from our clients time and time again. The numerous complex steps involved in implementing AI, such as data collection, dataset creation, model building, and deployment, are often performed and managed by siloed teams. Disparate groups and processes cause costly bottlenecks. The lack of one, end-to-end fast and easy solution impedes innovation goals of corporate leaders who want to optimize their operations with AI. 

The solution? Our Sense AI platform that’s designed to facilitate cross-organizational collaboration for full end-to-end management of the machine learning lifecycle. Click here to speak with one of our experts and request a demo.

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